VITA LIVING > Supplement > Kan Herbs - Traditionals

Kan Herbs - Traditionals - Coptidetox 120 tabs



TraditionalsDietary SupplementSTANDARD FORMULA ORIGINALLY NAMEDHuang Lian Jie Du TangTraditionalsDietary SupplementSTANDARD FORMULA ORIGINALLY NAMEDHuang Lian Jie Du TangRecommended Adult Dosage1-2 tablets, 2-3 times daily.Use only as directed by your health care professional and seek their advice if pregnant or nursing.Keep out of reach of children.Keep tightly capped, and out of direct sunlight.Store at room temperature.Only the finest hand-selected Chinese herbs are used. Rigorous manufacturing standards are applied at each stage of production. CDX12 (CDX120) Kan Herbs - Traditionals

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Harrisonburg, VA